Privacy policy, and disclaimer disclosure

This privacy policy agreement concerns the care of stakeholders’ (members’, non-members’, and third party entities’) personal information. The primary purpose of the policy is to acknowledge responsibilities and expectations of stakeholders’ behavior. This includes device, registration and publicly shared onsite information/data. Device data concerns communication information between devices for handshaking, updating, and other servicing purposes. Third party stakeholders must be privy to this type of information to provide and maintain services. Registration data are information given to establish a profile and is public to users. Other types of shared information between users include publicly limited shared practice sessions, or converse between individuals, and openly available posts (lyrics, vocals, or instrumentals).

Stakeholder’s responsibilities’ and expectation: member users are responsible for the originality of their vested posted content originality, and ethic! Members are encouraged to register with a third party for royalty rights!

Members are advised to register with a performing rights organization to support claims for the use of their property. Whereas OGC Studio’s platform produces a networking tool and promotes originality, it is solely members’ responsibility to claim the right of use of their property. The site also prohibits explicit pornographic pictures or videos. Nevertheless, lyrical contents may describe sexual behavior.

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